Guild Wars 2 launched and with it our website went into full gear. We’ve seen tens of thousands of visitors rush to our guides and interactive maps and more are coming every day. We initially managed to gather some information during the open beta weekends. We prepared and completed as much as we could in that short time period. With the launch we are now able to level our characters and gather information from all over Tyria. We are trying to add one new map each day.
Yesterday we added Lornar’s Pass and today I am proud to announce that Field of Ruin interactive map is live and full of information.
Three ranger pets have also had images added to them and locations updated.
We’ve also added jumping puzzle guides to the interactive maps as special POIs. We have screenshot guides for about 10 puzzles and are working on adding more and you can now see which jumping puzzles each zone has by visiting that zone’s interactive map. Unfortunately, during this process we managed to break something. Some of the maps have been missing lists of things available on the map, underneath the map itself. I wanted to let everyone know that we fixed this bug and now all the map and POI pages should be working the way they were intended to. Thank you all for visiting GW2 Life and feel free to leave any and all feedback either in the comments section bellow or through our Contact us form.