Key Facts:
- Name: Coddler’s Cove
- Location South East part of Timberline Falls, South of Mellagan’s Grotto
- Location map: Timberline Falls
- Recommended level : 48+
- Achievement type: Jumping Puzzles
- Puzzle Type: Jumping
- Duration: 20+ minutes
- Difficulty (Solo): Medium
- Prize: Achievement / Grand Chest
General Information
One of the puzzles that will test your patience seriously. The lighting lamps are really small, and require lots of precision. Useful tip: Choose a bird perspective for the camera, this should help you easily adjust your jumps to land successfully. At some point you will be so high that falling down will be fatal, but helpful Quaggan Hatchlings will res you.
Guide through the puzzle
- Follow the road to hidden cave entrance
- Jump down and head east
- Dive here
- This is the point where your jumping experience starts.
Argh!!! So…hard!