- Name: Goemm’s Lab
- Location: Asura Starting Zone Metrica Province, east side of the map
- Location map: Near Cuatle Morass waypoint / Metrica Province / Maguuma Jungle
- Recommended level: ~13
- Achievement type: Explorer / Puzzle Achievement
- Puzzle Type: Jumping / Killing Boss
- Duration: 60-80 minutes
- Difficulty (Solo): Easy, Normal, Hard
- Monster level: 12-13
This jumping puzzle rewards you with the puzzle achievement and a chest at the end. It is located in the east side of Metrica Province map, Asura starting area. The puzzle is completed once you locate the hidden chest. The puzzle consists of Wind Station, Stormy Station, Chilly Station and Goemm’s Lab. The path leads you through several asura gates through which you can pass only with Tuned buff which lasts for 20 minutes. During your journey you will have to kill veteran mobs and Goemm the Mad boss. If you fall during the jumping puzzle, you don’t have to do the puzzle all over again, just talk to the golem next to the asura gate and he will teleport you to preferred station.
Go to the east side of the map between Cuatle Morass and Akk Wilds.
- Make your way behind the bushes in the rock.
- A close look at the entrance
- Entrance Map Location
This is the first jumping part of the puzzle. Once you are done with this you will find the first asura gate. Next to the gate is a small chest and a Golem Assistant who can transport you to the certain parts of the puzzle that you have already discovered.
- Jump on the floating rocks. The rocks are quite apart so be careful.
- Run to the next side of the rock.
- Jump on the floating rocks again.
- Go far left and start your jump to the next rock.
- Keep jumping from rock to rock. The last two rocks are little tricky, and you need a longer jump to make it.
- Go through the cave. You can gather some mushrooms there.
- The floating rocks are tilted left or right . You need to make long jumps and it will seems like you have missed the rock but you will stay on the small invisible platform around the rock. Slowly return to the rock before you make your next jump.
- The last jump on the platform is the longest one, so be very careful.
- There is a small chest don’t forget to loot it.
- Rewards
- Reward from the chest.
- Reward from the chest.
- Reward from the chest.
After running through the first asura gate you will enter Wind Station. Your first job is to get a Tuned buff that will allow you to go through another asura gate. If you run through the next asura gate without Tuned buff, you will be returned to the entrance of the Wind Station.
- After running through the first asura gate you will enter Wind Station. You’ll have to wait 3-5 seconds before you can stand up.
- The distance between the floating rocks is large so you have to make long jumps. The easiest way to make it is by running zigzag and jumping.
- Just jump from the rock to rock.
- After jumping on this rock don’t follow the path that leads you to the asura gate. You need Tuned buff first. You have to jump down.
- Just jump down
- Don’t jump this time or you will miss the rock. Go to the rock edge and make a small step and you will fall down to the next rock.
- No tricky jumps this time.
- jump on the last two rocks.
- Interact with attuner device!
- Static electricity will jump from the device to you.
- You have the buff, just run through the assura gate.
With the Tuned buff you can go through the next asura gate which leads you to the Stormy Station.
- After running through the asura gate near attuner device, you will find yourself on the large platform. Make a long jump on the floating rock.
- Make another long jump on the rock.
- If you fall down, you will be returned to the Wind Station entrance. Follow the same path as for getting the buff but this time don’t jump down. Make the longest jump you can from the small floating rock on the huge one.
- You have to cross liana bridge. There are two jet steams that will blow you off the bridge. They usually blow 4-5 times before they stop for a 2 seconds. The other tactic is to wait for the first stream to stop, then stand between the first and the second one and wait for the second one to stop. Then run as fast as you can to the middle of the bridge.
- At the end of the bridge there is a third jet stream that blows toward you. It won’t blow you off the bridge just return you a few steps back. It stops only for 1-2 seconds. If you have any speed buff use it and run as fast as you can and jump on the rock. If you don’t have a buff try to move as close as you can to the end of the bridge and when the jet streams stops start running.
- There is another Liana bridge in front of you, but this time the jet stream blows over the entire bridge length for 3-5 seconds. The moment it stops run across the bridge and jump on the rock.
- When you cross the bridge Vampire Bat level 13 will attack you. After killing him, go to the rock edge and make a long jump to the other side. Run through the asura gate to the new station.
After running through the Wind Station asura gate you will enter Stormy Station. First, get the Tuned buff that will allow you to go through another asura gate. There are a lots of lightnings in this part of the jumping puzzle. They make heavy damage if they hit you, and you will enter combat mode which makes you slower.
- Entrance to the Stormy Station
- The path leads you towards the floating rocks with lighting. But there is a SHORTCUT.
- For the shortcut, go to the right.
- Make a long jump on the floating rock.
- Make another jump on the rock which will leads you to a tree branch.
- Jump on the tree branch.
- Follow the path that leads down the tree branch. At the end of the branch make a small jump, or you will miss the floating rock.
- When you jump on the tree branch, Veteran Air Elemental (level 13) will attack you. You can defeat him from the branch. Don’t jump while you are in combat. The jump from the last floating rock on the platform is the tricky one. Go to the edge and make the longest jump you can.
- Veteran Air Elemental level 13
- Don’t forget to interact with Attuner Device before you run through the gate. Tuned buff lasts for 20 minutes.
With the Tuned buff you can go through the next asura gate which leads you to the Chilly Station.
- After running through the asura gate jump from the platform on the floating rocks.
- From the floating rocks the path leads you toward tree branches. Make a long jump from the floating rock to the tree branch. When jumping from the first tree branch to the other one you have to find a good angle and make a long jump. Start jumping from the center of the first branch and aim the nearest part of the other branch.
- There is a jet stream between the next two branches. When it stops make a long jump on the other branch.
- Run to the other side of the branch and make a long jump on the next tree branch.
- The floating stones are quite apart and hit by the lightning almost every seconds. If you have any speed buff use it. The jump from the last floating rock on the platform must be the longest one you can make. After that just run through the asura gate.
- If you fall down , there is also a SHORTCUT for this part. At the entrance to Stormy Station go to the right. Position your character like we did on the screenshot. You can see three branches. Use your mouse to aim your jump on the branch nearest to the floating rocks hit by lighting. Go to the edge and make a small jump. You will loose almost all your health 800-900.
After the Stormy Station you will enter Chilly Station. This station is pretty easy compared to previous one. The only thing that you should be aware of is Chilled buff which decreases movement speed by 66%. Don’t jump while it lasts.
- Entering Chilly Station
- Run to the edge.
- While jumping from rock to rock you can get Chilled buff which decreases movement speed by 66%. When the buff disappears you can jump on the next two floating rocks, and then stop and wait for the buff to disappear.
- Just run straight ahead.
- Before you jump on the other side wait for the jet stream to stop.
- There are two Ice Elemental mobs. Before you make a long jump on the floating rock kill Ice Elemental mob on the rock that you are jumping from. If you don’t do that he will freeze you while you are jumping and you will fall down. The mobs are level 13.
- After jumping go downhill.
- Go to the edge and make long jumps.
- Just a few more jumps.
- No tricky jumps this time.
- The moment you jump on this rock, Veteran Ice Elemental will attack you.
- Veteran Ice Elemental
- Interact with Attuner device and get Tuned buff. After that run through the asura gate
With the Tuned buff you can go through the next asura gate which leads you to the Goemm’s Lab.
- After running through the asura gate jump from the platform on the floating rocks.
- If you fall down, you will be returned to the Chilly Station entrance. Follow the same path as for getting the Tuned buff but this time go uphill and kill Ice Elemental mob.
- The jumps are pretty easy but in this part you can get a Chilled buff as well.
- There are no Chilled buff in this part of the puzzle but the last jump from the floating rock must be very long and use your mouse to aim your jump. After that just run through the asura gate.
In the last part of the Goemm’s Lab jumping puzzle you have to kill Goemm the Mad boss who can transform you during the battle into moa.
- Entering Goemm’s lab
- The floating rocks are tilted left or right. Make long jumps.
- Tilted rocks.
- New Event.
- Defeat Goemm the Mad
- He transforms me into moa during the fight
- Nice XP for finishing the event.
- After jumping on the last few floating rocks, the chest is in front of us. Goemm’s Lab Achievement.
- Rewards
- Rewards
- Rewards