Guild Wars 2 event Help in Hoelbrak Tixx’s Infinirarium is the fourth Wintersday event which starts on December 18 at 10:00 AM PST (7:00 PM CET). The event takes place in Hoelbrak between Bear and Wolf Lodge. The recommended number of players is five.
Important Notes for Help in Hoelbrak Tixx’s Infinirarium Event:
- Don’t forget to loot the chest at the middle of the instance.
- You can find a door at the south part of the map if you want to exit the instance, and the exit icon above the mini-map hasn’t showed.
- You can complete two achievements during this event:
– Help in Hoelbrak (after completing the event)
– Smash the Town (if you haven’t finished it in the previous events). Just smash everything that you can, even trees. Use the AoE skills if you have. You can get this achievement during or after you finish the instance).
Objectives for Disaster Derailed Tixx’s Infinirarium
1. Collect presents for the toy princesses (15 presents)
2. Color unpainted princess dolls with the plasma paint cannon (40 dolls painted)
3. Retake the plush griffon’s aerie from the princesses
4. Defend the toy Ventary from the princess dolls
5. Destroy malfunctioning mortars before they cause too much damage (25 mortars)
6. Drive off malfunctioning toy soldiers attacking the assembly line
7. Destroy plush griffon nests and drive plush griffons away from the helm
8. Stop Toxx from rampaging through the Airship
1. Collect presents for the toy princesses
Presents are scattered all over the airship. Collect and take the presents to Princess Doll. You can also get the presents by defeating the scritts with presents.
2. Color unpainted princess dolls with the plasma paint cannon (40 dolls painted)
Pick up Plasma Paint Cannons and use their number one ability on unpainted (white colored) Princess Doll’s while they are running around.
3. Retake the plush griffon’s aerie from the princesses
Defend the marked circle from incoming princesses until the bar in your right upper corner of screen fills up. Use AoE skills as much as you can. The bar fills up only when it’s blue. While it’s red it means that the princesses are inside the circle.
4. Defend the toy Ventary from the princess dolls
Defend Toy Ventari from mad Painted Princess Dolls.
5. Destroy malfunctioning mortars before they cause too much damage (25 mortars)
Destroy malfunctioning mortars
6. Drive off malfunctioning toy soldiers attacking the assembly line (8 waves of soldiers)
Defeat malfunctioning toy soldiers. There are eight waves of soldiers.
7. Destroy plush griffon nests and drive plush griffons away from the helm
Go to the south part of the map, up the stairs and defend the marked circle from incoming Malfunctioning Toy Griffons. By destroying the nests you will reduce the number of spawning Malfunctioning Toy Griffons. The bar fills up only when it’s blue.
8. Stop Toxx from rampaging through the Airship
Toxx will appear on the south part of the airship and can be easily defeated. The drops from the chest are used for crafting the Toy Plush Griffon in the mystic forge. Combine in the Mystic Forge Plush Griffon Frame with 250 mystical cogs, wads of enchanted stuffing and drops of magic glue to make a Toy Plush Griffon mini pet.
- Plush Griffon
- Plush Griffon