Bakkir Sarayi

Event/POI Name:Bakkir Sarayi
Event/POI Type:Point of Interest
Event/POI Zone:Cursed Shore
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  


Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Penitent Waypoint

Event/POI Name:Penitent Waypoint
Event/POI Type:Waypoint
Event/POI Zone:Cursed Shore
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Village Sayix

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Gavbeorn’s Waypoint

Event/POI Name:Gavbeorn’s Waypoint
Event/POI Type:Waypoint
Event/POI Zone:Cursed Shore
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena

Event/POI Name:Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena
Event/POI Type:Event – Location of a fight
Event/POI Zone:Cursed Shore
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts

Event/POI Name:Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts
Event/POI Type:Event – Location/NPC to defend
Event/POI Zone:Cursed Shore
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals

Event/POI Name:Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals
Event/POI Type:Event – Location of a fight
Event/POI Zone:Cursed Shore
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets

Event/POI Name:Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets
Event/POI Type:Event – Location of a fight
Event/POI Zone:Cursed Shore
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.  

Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla

Show All:Renown Heart icon:Skill Point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Cursed Shore

Region: Ruins of Orr | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestSkill PointVistaWaypointEvent – Boss enemy
Caer ShadowfainExplorer Brothmirr RockslideVistaPursuit Pass Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.
Bitter MountainStatue of BalthazarVistaCaer Shadowfain Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain .
Seachange TidepoolsStrange Ring StructureVistaR&D Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper .
Cachistic R&DOrrian Spectral SwordVistaGavbeorn’s Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Risen pirate Captain Rotbeard .
Winterknell LabyrinthGallow’s HangVistaPenitent Waypoint[Group Event] Kill the champion Risen megalodon that shipwrecked Camelia .
Gavbeorn’s LandingStatue of Melandru Shelter’s Gate Waypoint[Group Event] Defeat the Champion of the Gladiators .
Bakkir SarayiCaptain’s Log Jofast’s Waypoint[Group Event] Use portals to fight shades, slay the Champion Risen Priest of Grenth, and protect Keeper Jonez Deadrun.
Village SayixPlaque of Ewan Verdance Waypoint 
Shelter’s GateFortuna Dirgecaller Meddler’s Waypoint 
Gallow’s HangPristine Chest Anchorage Waypoint 
Jofast’s CampStatue of Melandru Arah Waypoint 
Altar of the Withered HeartHarbinger Torch Murdered Dreams Waypoint 
The Wreck of the Golden VanityInscribed Casket Shipwreck Rock Waypoint 
Thorn DockPixi   
Village of EwanStatue of Grenth   
Meddler’s SummitRisen Sea Turtle Mother   
Telmat KnollOrrian Spectral Hammer   
Shank Anchorage    
Augur’s Torch    
Harbinger Torch    
Death’s Gaze Torch    
Reliquary Vault    
Gates of Arah    
Sharn’s Free Camp    
Altar of Murdered Dreams    
Buried Archives    
Death’s Anthem    
The Wreck of the Saehrimnir    
Event – Location of a brawlEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated
Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena .Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts .Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla .[Group Event] Defend the Pact interruptor from Risen attacks .
 Rid the Pact camp of tar elementals .Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen . Defend the Pact lightning cannon .
 Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets .Defend the Pact camp at Shelter’s Gate Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen .
  Defend Explorer Laci as she harvests all the arcane energy from the Orrian power orb .  
  [Group Event] Ensure that the Pact holds the Gates of Arah .  
  Help Crusader Talesin escort his veteran packheart to Penitent Camp .  
  See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler’s summit.  
  Ensure that Keeper Jonez Deadrun reaches the Cathedral of Silence.  
  [Group Event] Cover Keeper Jonez Deadrun as he performs the cleansing ritual.