Ley Line Vista

Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

Second Southern Checkpoint

Event/POI Name:Second Southern Checkpoint
Event/POI Type:Point of Interest
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

Chak Den

Event/POI Name:Chak Den
Event/POI Type:Point of Interest
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

Ley Line Boneyard

Event/POI Name:Ley Line Boneyard
Event/POI Type:Point of Interest
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

Third Southern Checkpoint

Event/POI Name:Third Southern Checkpoint
Event/POI Type:Point of Interest
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox

Event/POI Name:Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
Event/POI Type:Mastery point
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

Southern Forward Camp Waypoint

Event/POI Name:Southern Forward Camp Waypoint
Event/POI Type:Waypoint
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

Rata Novan Remnants

Event/POI Name:Rata Novan Remnants
Event/POI Type:Point of Interest
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Notes:Rata Novan Remnants northern entrance is locked until you complete the specific event in that area.
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.

Event/POI Name:[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.
Event/POI Type:Event – Destination or point of interest
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest    

[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.

Event/POI Name:[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.
Event/POI Type:Event – Destination or point of interest
Event/POI Zone:Dragon’s Stand
Image Walkthrough:
Show All:Hero challenge icon:Mastery point icon:Point of Interest icon:Waypoint icon:Vista icon:Events:
map of Dragon's Stand

Region: Magus Falls | Level: 80-80 |

Point of InterestVistaWaypointEvent – Destination or point of interestMastery point
Pact Base CampLey Line VistaPact Base Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Jazmei for a head count.Pride of Lion’s Arch Strongbox
First Northern CheckpointSouthern Barbed Gate VistaPact Base Camp Southern Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Dutch for a head count.Scorchrazor II Strongbox
First Central CheckpointCentral Barbed Gate VistaSouthern Forward Camp Waypoint[Group Event] Gather around Tactician Ranara for a head count.Dragonrender Strongbox
First Southern CheckpointWyvern Scar VistaSouthern Advanced Camp Legacy of Owl Strongbox
Rata Novan RemnantsNorthern Barbed Gate VistaCentral Advance Camp Waypoint Unsolved Conundrum Strongbox
Second Southern CheckpointThe Inverse Pit VistaCentral Forward Camp Waypoint  
Chak DenDragon’s Domain VistaNorthern Forward Camp Waypoint  
Ley Line Boneyard Northern Advance Camp Waypoint  
Third Southern Checkpoint Dragon’s Domain Southern Waypoint  
Third Central Checkpoint    
Mordrem Vineyard    
Second Central Checkpoint    
Second Northern Checkpoint    
Third Northern Checkpoint    
The Inverse Pit    
Blighted Bog    
Central Blighting Tower    
Southern Blighting Tower    
Mordremoth’s Vantage    
Ruined Glory    
Ley Line Overlook    
Northern Blighting Tower    
Serenity’s Cove    
Wyvern Nest    
Event – NPC that collects event itemEvent – Location/NPC to protect or captureEvent – Location/NPC to defendEvent – Location of a fightEvent – Boss enemy
Glide up to gather Mordrem vine pods and return them to Briallen.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire.Help Grumlukl create his bombs.Defeat the mushrooms to rescue the trapped Itzel.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (central).
Bring Chakata shiny wyvern crystals to get the skritt to join the fight.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (central).Defend Alara the Wolf as she builds turrets.Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – central).
Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Baeden so that he can build barricades.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – central).Defend Splort as he activates lasers.Kill the chak preventing the pets from returning to their ogre masters.[Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (central).
Climb up and retrieve the flamethrower supplies.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Central Barbed Gate.Escort Dolyak to the camp before the assault.Help Gammalon Vineripper destroy the brambles and clear a path to the Exalted.[Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (south).
Destroy ley-line collectors to gather energy for the Rata Novus Device.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (south).Protect Skeln Razorfist while he builds thumpers. [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – south).
Bring meat from the saurian nests to build a pile to attract wyverns.[Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire (part 2 – south).Defend the planted mushrooms until they reach maturity. [Group Event] Defeat Axemaster Hareth (south).
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Southern Barbed Gate.Help Spleecta turn the Exalted machine back on. Destroy the Ley-line Disruption Pod to restore the ley lines to other islands.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the mordrem spitfire (part 2 – north).  Stun the Mouth of Mordremoth to keep it in place while your allies collect mortars to damage it from above.
 [Group Event] Escort troops to the Northern Barbed Gate.  Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from growing enough explosive pustules to destroy the island.
    Attack the Dragon’s body while evading its attacks.
    Defeat and stop the Mordrem commander from shielding allies inside the coils.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (north).
    [Group Event] Slavemaster Adryn approaches.
    [Group Event] Defeat the Mordrem Spitfire (part 2 – north).
    [Group Event] Defeat Mordremoth’s commander (north).
Hero challengeEvent – Object to be destroyed/operated   
Blademaster Diarmid’s PodCalm angry beetles down by stomping nodules inside the chak nest.   
Axemaster Hareth’s Pod    
Stavemaster Adryn’s Pod    
Dragon Overlook    
Exalted Pylon    
Mushroom Grotto    
Spider Nest