- Name: Spekk’s Laboratory
- Location: Caledon Forest, Lower middle west part of the map
- Location map: Caledon Forest / Maguuma Jungle / lvl 1-15
- Recommended level: any
- Achievement type: Explorer / puzzle
- Puzzle Type: Jumping
- Duration: 25-30 minutes
- Difficulty: Normal
- Prize (except fun): Achievement / Splendid Chest
This is an extremely challenging and interesting puzzle. It is located inside a mountain with breathtaking scenery. The puzzle consists of jumping from one disappearing field to another. The fields stay active only long enough for you to jump onto it and jump to the next one. These force-field platforms are in between 6-7 control panels that you need to activate in order to activate the next section of the puzzle. The last control panel spawns 4 mobs upon whose defeat you open a passageway to the Splendid Chest.
What makes this puzzle different from others is the fact that even if you die in the lava by failing to jump onto one of the force-fields, you will be offered a chance to teleport to the beginning of the puzzle and not the nearest waypoint. This saves you the running from the waypoint to the puzzle. Also, there are little robots that will let you teleport in between the completed sections of the puzzle so if you need to go back to the beginning or to the last section you managed to complete you can use them to quickly do this. This makes this puzzle less time consuming than some.
- The entrance to the jumping puzzle area can be seen from here
- Map showing where the entrance to Spekks’ laboratory jumping puzzle is
- Zoomed out map of Spekks’ laboratory jumping puzzle entrance
- World map of Spekks’ laboratory jumping puzzle entrance
- Just continue towards the cave
- Inside the cave you will see these rocks and a strange wall at the top.
- Jump up the rocks
- There is actually a passageway inside the mountain here
- It is a stunning view inside here.
- This is the first control panel that will “unlock” the force-field platforms.
- Force-field platforms you need to quickly traverse.
- Another control panel
- Rinse and repeate
- There are little robots that will let you teleport back and forward between the sections of the puzzle
- You will travel deep inside the mountain
- If you fall into the lav and die you will be given an option of being resurrected at the beginning of the puzzle
- Once resurrected you can use the little robot to teleport to the last station you managed to activate
- Almost there – this activates 4 mobs
- Spekks is here and he dislikes your presence
- The mobs are deadly
- Deal with the security golems one by one
- You have found the Splendid Chest and completed the jumping puzzle
- Map of where the splendid chest is
- Loot!
- You can now teleport to the beginning and continue your adventures in Tyria