Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen

Detailed explanation with images for Defend Gavbeorn’s Landing from invading Risen – Event – Location/NPC to defend in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Bakkir Sarayi

Detailed explanation with images for Bakkir Sarayi – Point of Interest in Cursed Shore Continue reading


Detailed explanation with images for Vista – Vista in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Penitent Waypoint

Detailed explanation with images for Penitent Waypoint – Waypoint in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Village Sayix

Detailed explanation with images for Village Sayix – Point of Interest in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets

Detailed explanation with images for Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets – Event – Location of a fight in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla

Detailed explanation with images for Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla – Event – NPC that collects event item in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Gavbeorn’s Waypoint

Detailed explanation with images for Gavbeorn’s Waypoint – Waypoint in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena

Detailed explanation with images for Defeat the ancient Risen warriors in Balthazar’s arena – Event – Location of a fight in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts

Detailed explanation with images for Help Agent Scrybe search the ruins for Orrian artifacts – Event – Location/NPC to defend in Cursed Shore Continue reading