Orrian Spectral Sword

Detailed explanation with images for Orrian Spectral Sword – Skill Point in Cursed Shore Continue reading

[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper

Detailed explanation with images for [Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper – Event – Boss enemy in Cursed Shore Continue reading

[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain

Detailed explanation with images for [Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain – Event – Boss enemy in Cursed Shore Continue reading


Detailed explanation with images for Vista – Vista in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Explorer Brothmirr Rockslide

Detailed explanation with images for Explorer Brothmirr Rockslide – Skill Point in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Bitter Mountain

Detailed explanation with images for Bitter Mountain – Point of Interest in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Statue of Balthazar

Detailed explanation with images for Statue of Balthazar – Skill Point in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Seachange Tidepools

Detailed explanation with images for Seachange Tidepools – Point of Interest in Cursed Shore Continue reading

[Group Event] Defeat the ooze king.

Detailed explanation with images for [Group Event] Defeat the ooze king. – Event – Boss enemy in Cursed Shore Continue reading

Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer.

Detailed explanation with images for Enrage Risen and lure them to fight Halla Corpseflayer. – Event – Location of a brawl in Cursed Shore Continue reading