Help the Lionguard keep the Cuatl hylek in check

Detailed explanation with images for Help the Lionguard keep the Cuatl hylek in check – Renown Heart in Metrica Province Continue reading

Escort Rikkiti as she brings a message to the Lionguard assault force

Detailed explanation with images for Escort Rikkiti as she brings a message to the Lionguard assault force – Event – Location/NPC to defend in Metrica Province Continue reading

Drive the skritt from Brill Alliance lab

Detailed explanation with images for Drive the skritt from Brill Alliance lab – Event – Location of a fight in Metrica Province Continue reading

Rana Landing Complex Waypoint

Detailed explanation with images for Rana Landing Complex Waypoint – Waypoint in Metrica Province Continue reading


Detailed explanation with images for Vista – Vista in Metrica Province Continue reading

Help Quabb make it out of the Serpentwind with his research

Detailed explanation with images for Help Quabb make it out of the Serpentwind with his research – Event – Location/NPC to defend in Metrica Province Continue reading

Desider Atum Waypoint

Detailed explanation with images for Desider Atum Waypoint – Waypoint in Metrica Province Continue reading

Help ploint collect raptor eggs for his experiment

Detailed explanation with images for Help ploint collect raptor eggs for his experiment – Event – NPC that collects event item in Metrica Province Continue reading

Artegon Waypoint

Detailed explanation with images for Artegon Waypoint – Waypoint in Metrica Province Continue reading

Conduit tower Bligg

Detailed explanation with images for Conduit tower Bligg – Point of Interest in Metrica Province Continue reading