Ruins of Orr (List of all posts that have this tag)
Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets
Detailed explanation with images for Destroy the Risen Wizard and her attendants to learn her secrets – Event – Location of a fight in Cursed Shore Continue reading
Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla
Detailed explanation with images for Help Rakkan collect Risen fish oil glands for Merla – Event – NPC that collects event item in Cursed Shore Continue reading
Gavbeorn’s Waypoint
Detailed explanation with images for Gavbeorn’s Waypoint – Waypoint in Cursed Shore Continue reading
R&D Waypoint
Detailed explanation with images for R&D Waypoint – Waypoint in Cursed Shore Continue reading
Cachistic R&D
Detailed explanation with images for Cachistic R&D – Point of Interest in Cursed Shore Continue reading
Winterknell Labyrinth
Detailed explanation with images for Winterknell Labyrinth – Point of Interest in Cursed Shore Continue reading
Orrian Spectral Sword
Detailed explanation with images for Orrian Spectral Sword – Skill Point in Cursed Shore Continue reading
[Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper
Detailed explanation with images for [Group Event] Defeat the crazed Risen groundskeeper – Event – Boss enemy in Cursed Shore Continue reading
Strange Ring Structure
Detailed explanation with images for Strange Ring Structure – Skill Point in Cursed Shore Continue reading
[Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain
Detailed explanation with images for [Group Event] Defeat the Risen abomination wandering outside the walls of Caer Shadowfain – Event – Boss enemy in Cursed Shore Continue reading