Key Facts:
- Name: Behem Gauntlet
- Location: South East part of Blazeridge Steppes, Behem Gauntlet area
- Location map: Blazeridge Steppes
- Recommended level : 40 +
- Achievement type: Jumping Puzzles
- Puzzle Type: Jumping / Fighting
- Duration: 15+ minutes
- Difficulty (Solo): Medium
- Prize: Achievement / Chest
General Information about Behem Gauntlet Jumping Puzzle
Short jumping puzzle, with many mobs in the area. The last jump on the rock where you can find the chest is very tricky, while all other jumps are pretty easy.
Guide through the Behem Gauntlet Jumping Puzzle
- Spiders, spiders everywhere.
- A hidden cave entrance.
- A hidden cave entrance map view.
- Veteran Canyon Spider.
- Go straight up.
- Jump on the other side.
- Turn right and keep moving.
- Series of easy jumps.
- Jump down.
- Jump straight down.
- Next jump can be tough.
- Jumping achievement and chest are on our left side.
- Another Veteran.
- Almost there, don’t fall down.
- Behem gauntlet jumping puzzle achievement.