- Name: Prospect Valley Crash Site Climber
- Location: Northwest of Dry Top Entry Waypoint
- Zone: Dry Top
- Recommended level : 80
- Achievement type: General / Jumping Puzzles
- Puzzle Type: Jumping
- Duration: 5+ minutes
- Difficulty (Solo): Medium
- Prize: Achievement / Grand Chest
Approach to Prospect Valley Crash Site Climber Jumping Puzzle
In order to reach the Jumping Puzzle start location you have to climb the platform where skill point Wreckage of Zephyrite Crystal Garden can be found (there’s a Vista nearby as well).
- This is the path you should follow as you enter Dry Top Zone
- Path seems to be shorter every time you take it. (due to frequent deaths)
- There are just a couple of extra jumps needed.
- Cross to the other side with help of a lighting crystal.
- Final route toward Prospect Valley Crash Site Approach
There are three wind crystals that can help you reach the top of the boulder. Keep in mind that these crystals give buffs that last only (around) 17 seconds and you can use crystal abilities only 10 times during this period.
- The first wind crystal.
- Prospect Valley Crash Site Climber starting area
- The second wind crystal gives a couple of jumping options.
- From this point on falling is lethal.
- Up to the point where you die if you fall down.
- The last wind crystal also gives a couple of ascending options.
- Prospect Valley Crash Site Climber Jumping Puzzle Grand Chest.
Dive Master: Prospect Valley Achievement
Diving Goggles can be found on top of a small wooden platform just above the Jumping Puzzle Grand Chest. In order to reach it, you need to have collected a wind crystal. Jumping boost provided by the Wind Crystal gives the necessary push needed for reaching the platform. Now comes the hardest part. You need to jump into the pond that you can’t see from this distance (due to clouds). Direction you should aim for is west, between a net that hangs from a long wooden beam and another nearby wooden beam top. Try to aim closer to this wooden beam edge.
- This part should be done quickly as the wind crystal buff tends to disappear as you reach the final part.
- Aim for the location close to the wooden beam edge.
- This is usually the part where you find out if you are on your way to get the achievement or …
- … or if you are dead in the water (with the achievement).
- The Dive pond map location.