GW2 Super Adventure Box Guide with screenshots and detailed information for achievements and hidden bosses. Work in progress!
You have probably came across a huge box in Rata Sum. The Super Adventure Box is not active yet, but you should prepare for this event and collect several Continue Coins first. Once the event starts, talk to Moto in Creator’s Commons Rata Sum (a small guy next to the box) to gain access.
- 8-bit mini-game
- super adventure box
There are several topics on the reddit and official forums about Super Adventure Box, and these are some conclusions:
- Super Adventure Box is part of April’s Fool event.
- Anyone can participate in Super Adventure Box and it is not Guild related
- You need Continue Coin, a random drop from Jumping Puzzle chests or Basic Chests on the map. The probability of gaining the coin is about 30%.
Continue Coin – Grant’s a player five lives inside the super adventure box. See Moto in Rata Sum for details on how to play.
- Some of rewards are Baulbes which can be spent in Super Shops.
Baulbe[s] Spend these in shops inside the Super Adventure Box
- It will not be permanent, but cyclical, coming back on line as new content is added.
- Hard mode will probably be coming out a little bit after the main release
- A new tab has appeared under achievements for Super Adventure Box
- This isn’t like most JPs that only require two people a couple of days or weeks to throw them together. It truly is a game within a game.
- Next to the entrance to the Super Adventure Box, you can find NPC Moto and an old machine which seems to be an 8-bit-inspired Asuran-oriented mini-game.
- Super weapons are also part of the Super Adventure Box event.
In the gallery below we have collected all screenshots related to April’s Fool and Super adventure Box.
Remember none of these screenshots and information are official.
- bauble item
- continue coin
- 8-bit mini-game
- super adventure box
- 8-bit super adventure shield
- super adventure box map
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items
- 8-bit super box items