GW2 Ceremony and Acrimony is rather simple Dragon Bash Achievement. It is prerequisite Achievement for Achievements like Hard Boiled, Every Piece Matters and No More Secrets.
In order to start this achievement chain talk with Inspector Ellen Kiel near Lion’s Court in Lions Arch. She will grant you access to effigy ceremony, an instanced area called Memorials on the Pure. Shortly after the brief ceremony, an accident will happen to one of the effigies. Help escort the wounded Councillors to Fort Marriner by protecting dolyak on his way to Fort Marriner. Upon reaching Fort Marriner you will be granted with Ceremony and Acrimony achievement, bag of coins (one gold) and Keg of Liquid Karma (5 000 karma, w/o any karma boosts).
- Inspector Ellen Kiel.
- Inspector Ellen Kiel Map Location.
- Deffending Dolyak.