With the latest Flame and Frost: Prelude update the Legendary Weapons got some visual effect changes.
- The Predator glow effect
- The Moot glow effect
- The Dreamer multishot
- The Dreamer single shot
- Quip glow effect
- Quip effect upon equip
- eternity greatsword (fixed a bug)
- The Moot: Thanks to notdoingmyessay, from unknown guru poster
- Kamohoali’i Kotak: ????
- Frenzy: ????
- Kraitkin: ????
- Quip: Thanks to Shompie
- The Predator:
- Howler: ?????
- The Dreamer: Thanks to AidanCrann
- Eternity – Greatsword: Thanks to Frea
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Tomridd and REDDIT community for all the screenshots.
My contribution for the Predator.
Tal Hu [Fort-Ranik]
This short vid shows off the effects for The Predator, Kudzu, Quip, The Dreamer, Bolt, Sunrise & The Juggernaut. We’ve tried to show the effects in slow motion particularly while in combat.