GW2 Southsun Cove Sample Collection Locations are part of Southsun Volunteer Fieldwork achievement. For this achievement is required to find eleven herb samples around Southsun Cove for Researcher Levvi. First you need to obtain sample detector device from Researcher Levvi. Sample detector gives you two unique abilities. The first one can scan area for the samples and it has 1200 range. The second ability can collect revealed samples. If you drop your device do not worry, it is in your inventory, you can use it again when you are near to another sample, otherwise stick with your weapons.
Researcher Levvi Location
- Map location.
- Take Sample detector device.
1.Southsun Camp Sample Collection
This sample is easy to obtain, you can find it, resting on ground just behind the Researcher Levvi camp site.
- Map location.
2.Southsun River Sample Collection
Southsun River Sample is in river east of the Researcher Levvi camp site.
- Map location.
3.Southsun Elevation Sample Collection
This sample is located in the Bakestone Cavern at the highest level.
- Map location.
4.Southsun Lava Sample Collection
In the same cavern there is another Sample Collection, this time it is on ground level.
- Map location.
5.Southsun Pool Sample Collection
This sample is located in a small pool South of Camp Karka Waypoint.
- Map location.
6.Southsun Vent Sample Collection
Southsun Vent Sample can be found in the cave at the North part of Southsun Cove at the same place where Skipping Stones jumping puzzle begins. This sample is hard to notice because it is covered with red steam.
- Map location.
7.Southsun Islet Sample Collection
This one is the hardest to obtain because it is at the end of Skipping Stones jumping puzzle. It is located on small island “Southsun Strait” , you get there walking over a shipwreck at the end of the Jumping puzzle.
- Map location.
8.Southsun Shipwreck Sample Collection
Southsun Shipwreck Sample is located in the shipwreck south of Pride Point Waypoint.
- Map location.
9.Southsun Sandpit Sample Collection
Southsun Sandpit Sample can be found at same place where is Onyx Field POI. You need to avoid Burrowed Wurms in area to reach to it.
- Map location.
10.Southsun Cave Sample Collection
Southsun Cave Sample is located in the cave North from Crab Toss arena ring.
- Entrance of the cave.
- Map location.
11.Southsun Geyser Sample Collection
Southsun Geyser Sample can be found at the top of a geyser East from Ember Passage POI.
- On top of this geyser is sample collection.
- Stairs that lead to the top.
- Map location of the stairs.
- Map location.
Southsun Volunteer Fieldwork
After collecting ten Sample Collections you will receive beautiful Fervid Censer exotic back item and complete Southsun Volunteer Fieldwork achievement.