Developer Corner: Jon Peters on the latest dungeon update

Hey all, it is my fault the updates to those 3 dungeon chains did not get into to the notes. There is a lot going on right now and as we establish our patch process sometimes things will slip through the cracks. I wanted to shed some light on the dungeon speed clear stuff as well. You should not see any diminished returns unless you:
1) Run the same exact chain over twice in a row
2) Complete multiple dungeons in 30 minutes or less each.
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Developer Corner: Robert Hrouda on the CoF Changes

I built this dungeon – Citadel of Flame, and fixed the problem, so I’m going to come at you from the designer perspective on things to try and illuminate why I did what I did, and what exactly I did. It wasn’t made clear, and I apologize for that.
The main thing I am seeing, is that people are upset that I took away their super profitable low risk, fast, token grind. I did not go into this thinking everyone would be happy with my changes – I knew I would be upsetting people because I was taking away a super easy speed-run money printer. I took it away for a few reasons – chief among them being what I feel is taking advantage of a couple bugs found in the same chain, and our leashing/aggro system. I played with groups who did this, and watched you-tube clips of what was going on. The problems I identified with the speed run aspect of this are as follows:

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Guild Wars 2 on Apple’s Mac OS X.

Today, ArenaNet announced a great news for Mac Users – Guild Wars 2 will be supported on Apple’s Mac OS X. The Mac Beta is available to anyone who has purchased Guild Wars 2, but it’s still in a beta phase, thus, the performance and system requirements aren’t finalized. You can read the official announcement below:

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A secret area in Caduceus Manor

You have probably came across several hidden locations in Guild Wars 2, but this one is worth mentioning because there are already implemented some cool features. According to the latest rumor, a creepy rooms could be some kind of riddle maze in the future. It’s located in Caudecus’s Manor instance, and you need a blink ability to get inside.
Important Note: Unfortunately the original video has been removed. I found the second one that leads to the same location.




How to preview item in GW2 with chat code

legendary_items_gw2_Maw_of_the_DeepAccording to the latest Guild Wars 2 Reddit posts, if you have the chat code of an item you can link it in the game chat box and then preview it. I believe that the main idea of this invention will be preview of the items in Trade Post, which is not possible at this moment.
If you are not sure how to do this follow the steps below:

  • If you have an item in your inventory type /wiki and Shift+Click the item and press enter. This action will open a new browser window linking to the GW2 wiki.
  • Copy the text code from the search box and paste it in the game chat box, then simply press enter. It will give you the chat link of the item. If you share the chat code with other players, they will be able to preview the item even if they don’t have it in their inventories.

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Guild Wars 2 Sells Two Bajilion Copies

OK, it is not two bajilion (that is not a real number), it is two million copies sold, but still, that is huge. Arena Net should now advertise as the company that made Guild Wars 2, as in, 2 million copies sold within the first month since launch. It is a well deserved success accompanied by great reviews across the board. Guild Wars 2 has a score of 92 on Metacritic and 8.4 score from users (out of 10), which makes it one of the highest rated MMORPGs out there. According to the NC Soft press release more than 400,000 players have been regularly logged in to the game concurrently across all territories. They also topped sales charts in 10 European countries since release. Since the game is subscription free high sales number will ensure long term development of high quality and I am really glad that Arena Net has managed to draw in so many players because we will now be playing GW2 for a very long time. Congratulations Arena Net and NCSoft on a great game. For 5 millions everyone gets a Charr mini pet for free?
P.S. On a related note; GW2 Life has surpassed 1 million visits since the game launched and we will be doing a small celebratory giveaway of our own very soon. Stay tuned!

Guild Wars 2 Trailer Released

NCSoft just released the official trailer for Guild Wars 2. Acclaimed Director James McTeigue (V for Vendetta) was brought on board to lend his revolutionary zeal and craftsman’s eye to the launch trailer. Guild Wars 2’s tagline “Our Time Is Now” is vividly brought to life as seekers in our world take the fight for change in Tyria.