GW2 Super Adventure Box Back to School is a new achievement category added with Back to School update on September 3rd. It is earned by completing Super Adventure Box World 2 content.
Name | Acquisition |
Major in Achievement Complete 13 achievements for World 2 | Tier 1 +15![]() Title: Honors in Applied Jumping Storm Wizard’s Backpack Cover |
Academic Complete Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3 in World 2. | Tier 1 +10![]() |
Associates of Baubles, World 2 Collect every World 2, Zone 1 bauble in one playthrough. Baubles from foes aren’t counted. | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Associate of Secrets, World 2 Find every hidden room in World 2 Zone 1 (11 hidden rooms) | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Baby’s second Super Adventure Play Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3 in World 2 in Infantile Mode | Tier 1 of 33 Tiers |
Bachelor of Baubles, World 2 Collect every World 2, Zone 2 bauble in one playthrough. Baubles from foes aren’t counted. | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Bachelor of Secrets, World 2 Find every hidden room in World 2 Zone 2 (9 hidden rooms) | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Become the master Defeat all assassins in World 2 Zone 2 | Tier 1 +5![]() |
It was an Ambush Survive the log raft ambush without dying in World 2 Zone 1 | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Major in Enhancement Obtain every item upgrade found in World 2 | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Master of Baubles, World 2 Collect every World 2, Zone 3 bauble in one playthrough. Baubles from foes aren’t counted. | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Master of Secrets, World 2 Find every hidden room in World 2 Zone 3 (17 hidden rooms) | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Professional Ice Skater Complete World 2 Zone 3 without being frozen by a banana. | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Super Adventure Secret Speak with a Genie of the Box in World 3 Zone 1. | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Tiptoe Complete World 2 Zone 1 without angering any Hillbilies. | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Wings of Justice Find the World 2 Zone 2 Shortcut. | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Special Instruction Follow the instruction given by the Genie of the box. Prerequisite: Super Adventure Secret | Tier 1 +5![]() |
Special Instruction Achivment guide:
Go to Research Waypoint in Rata Sum and head to the star(in the right around the block in front) and interact with the console. The code is: Up,Up,Down,Down,Left,Right,Left,Right,B,A. You will enter a solo instance where you just need to intaract with the console and watch a cutscene. You’ll get the achivment after it