GW2 Dragon Bash Patch Notes June 11

The Ship’s Council of Lion’s Arch is sponsoring Dragon Bash, a celebration of the Tyrian spirit and resolve to defeat the elder dragons. Bash on dragon piñatas in cities and shoot fireworks at the giant holographic Shatterer dragon projected over Lion’s Arch. Revel in activities such as the Dragon Ball Arena and bet on moa racing. Across the countryside, players will discover mini-projectors that will test their mettle versus holographic dragon minions!
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GW2 Crazed Karka Queen Guide

Crazed Karka Queen Killer achievement can be completed upon defeating Legendary Karka Queen. There are several rules that must be met in order to acquire this achievement:

  • GW2 Crazed Karka Queen event starts after you successfully secure and hold four settlements: Point Pride, Kiel’s Outpost, Steampipe Steading, and Camp Karka. You can easily notice which one should be secured, since that one has crossed swords over it’s waypoint (you can not teleport there).
  • Legendary Karka Queen has 50 stacks of buff called Armored, which reduce incoming damage. In order to remove or lower these stacks, use Karka Eggs scatter around. Karka Eggs crush opponent’s armor, leaving them vulnerable.
  • There is a short 10 minutes timer on this event, before Legendary Karka Queen escapes and re-appears at one of the remaining player controlled camps with full health. Defeating Legendary Karka Queen grants you a treasure chest that can be looted once per day, per character. It contains rare gear, karka shells, and more. If, however, she escapes at the point where you do not have 4/4 settlements secured, she will not re-appear again until they are not secured.
  • In addition to loot rewards, there is an achievement called Crazed Karka Queen Killer, which can be obtained upon defeating the Karka Queen.

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Prepare for GW2 Dragon Bash Events

GW2 Dragon Bash festival is a month-long celebration with all-new activities, fireworks, exclusive rewards, and surprises galore! The festival begins on June 11 and ends on July 9.

Dragon Bash Events

  • Bash the Dragon! – Begins June 11

    Look for holographic projectors scattered all across Tyria during the celebration. These mini-projector devices contain hologram minions which can drop a Dragon Bash surprise… a Dragon Coffer! Starting June 18, you’ll also find dragon effigies all across Tyria during Dragon Bash. Perform a ritual dance and light the effigy to receive a temporary boost!

  • Dragon Ball – Begins June 11

    The ancient Tyrian pastime of Dragon Ball returns! Teams of players test their Dragon Ball skills against one another in this fast-paced game of skill and reflexes. Get ready to dodge!

  • Moa Racing – Begins June 11

    Pick the fastest moa! Farshore Ward in Lion’s Arch is the site of fast and furious Moa Racing, where you can bet on your favorite moa racers!

  • Dragon Pinatas – Begins June 11

    In major cities around Tyria, you’ll find dragon piñatas strung up in honor of the festival. Break these open to receive tasty Dragon Bash candy!

  • Dragon Bash Fireworks – June 14-17

    Watch the skies above Lion’s Arch come alive with an explosive fireworks show every night in-game. The fireworks begin at 9AM PDT on Friday, June 14 and will go off every two hours until 12PM PDT Monday, June 17. Stay through the spectacular finale and receive a unique festival helm – The Horns of the Dragon!

  • The Dragon Effigy Lighting Ceremony – Begins June 18

    Join the Captain’s Council and other dignitaries as they light dragon effigies in the Grand Piazza of Lion’s Arch starting June 18. Hosted by the jovial Magnus the Bloody Handed, this ceremony will be full of merriment and surprises.

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GW2 Contractually Obligated achievement guide

Contractually Obligated achievement can be obtained by completing a story instance Escort the Consortium dolyak to the ship. Talk to Inspector Ellen Kiel in Pearl Islet to start the event. During the journey you will come across some Reef Skelks and Veteran Reef Drake but you can easily defeat them.

GW2 Canach’s Lair and Subdirector Null guide

Chanach’s Lair entrance is located south of Lion’s Waypoint in the cave south of Skipping stones Jumping Puzzle.

Canach single-player story boss

After completing single-player story mode and defeating Canach, you will be eligible for a multiplayer variant instance for five players, where you’ll face the Subdirctor Null as the main boss. At the Canach’s Lair entrance, speak to Lionguard Deputy to start Solo mode story instance.

The main goal of the Solo mode is to defeat Canach. Once you eneter the instance, speak to Inspector Ellen Kiel to receive Mine detector, or simply pick it up from the ground. After equipping detector your spell bar will change and you will have five new abilities, which will help you to clear the mines.
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GW2 Meta Event Karka Queen is NOT yet active

According to Robert Hrouda, ArenaNet’s Content Designer, the Meta Event Karka Queen is not yet active on the island, until next week:


Yes. The Meta event and Karka Queen world boss will be a permanent event added to Southsun, and it’s drop will be permanent as well.

One of the core problems of the island was the lack of events. I’;d hoped to solve that by adding an island wide Meta event and a world boss.
However it is NOT out until next week. We’re actively working on modifying our patch notes.


We’re having a small issue with our patch notes we are attempting to resolve currently. The Meta Event is not yet active on the island.

Spotted on GW2 forums

Next GW2 update details on June 4th

gw2 update june 4 According to the official Guild Wars 2 release page, new game update details will be unveiled on June 4th.
During the last few months ArenaNet scheduled bi-weekly updates with new achievements, content, instances, Open World updates, Guild Contents …. and we hope ArenaNet is able to keep up such a pace, since their fans are more than satisfied.

GW2 Unbreakable Consortium Harvesting Sickle

GW2 Unbreakable Consortium Harvesting Sickle
With the latest GW2 Game Update – Last Stand at Southsun new items are available at Black Lion Trading Company, and one of them is Unbreakable Permanent Harvest Sickle for 800 Gems. Invented to survive the Southsun Seas, this tool has unlimited charges and the same efficiency as an Orichalcum Harvest Sickle. The tool is available for a limited time only. Account bound.

GW2 Patch Notes May 28th

GW2 Flame and Frost: Last Stand at Southsun patch notes bring out new Instances, Achievements, Guild Content, features and more.
Last Stand at Southsun

Help Inspector Kiel track down Canach, the villain behind the increased animal aggression and the focused attacks on Consortium settlements. Canach’s intent is to destroy the settler contracts (and punish Subdirector Blingg for his vendetta against Canach).
Players must work together to protect the settlements and the innocents within from the crazed horde’s sustained assault, ultimately allowing Inspector Kiel to destroy the records and free the settlers from their unfair commitments without harming any of the island’s residents. This sets the stage for the upcoming Dragon Bash festival to happen without settler unrest spoiling the festivities.
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