GW2 Patch Notes May 14th

The latest Guild Wars 2 Patch notes bring out information about new features from game update The Secret of Southsun:

The Secret of Southsun
The refugees from Flame & Frost who were resettled at Southsun Cove are up in arms over the restrictive residency contracts that prevent them from leaving. Tensions are high, and settlers are brawling with Consortium guards. What’s worse, the island’s local wildlife has been agitated and is even more aggressive and territorial than usual.
The Lionguard’s Inspector Kiel has been charged with quelling the violence so it doesn’t interfere with the upcoming Dragon Bash festival in Lion’s Arch. Kiel takes her job seriously, so she’ll need help from players and Researcher Levvi to keep everyone on the island safe from the local wildlife and each other.
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GW2 Vizier’s Tower Jumping Puzzle

Vizier’s Tower is a Jumping Puzzle Achievement, which can be obtain by completing the vista located on the island, in the central part of Straits of Devastation map. There are several tricky jumps during this puzzle, thus, be patient and use your “jumping buffs” whenever you can.
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GW2 Mini Lion Cub and New Gem Store Items

GW2 Gem Store offers new Town Clothing items and new pet Mini Lion Cub:

  • How to Dance, Volume 1 (400 gems): The permanent book teaches you the dance moves Dodge Step, Inventory Shuffle, Gear Grind each time you read it.
  • Mini Lion Cub (400 gems): Available for a limited time (7 days)
  • Cherry Blossom Shirt (200 gems)
  • Country Lace Gathered Shirt (200 gems)
  • Ornate Ruched Shirt (200 gems)
  • Khaki Cargo Shorts (150 gems)

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GW2 May Update – The Secret of Southsun

GW2 Game Update The Secret of Southsun is slated for release in just over one week from now – May 14, 2013.

  • Keep the Peace on Southsun Cove: Inspector Ellen Kiel of the Lionguard has been tasked with restoring order to the island, but she can’t do it alone. In this all-new content, you’ll partner with Kiel to protect the settlements on Southsun Cove and uncover the source of the mysterious animal attacks!
  • New Crab Toss Game: To keep their minds off their troubles, the settlers on Southsun Cove have created a rugged new beach game: Crab Toss! In this instanced mini-game, players try to score points by capturing a hermit crab and withstanding karka attacks. It’s fun in the sun, Southsun-style!
  • Introducing Traps in World vs. World Traps are fiendish items that can be purchased from the new Traps and Tricks Outfitters on each WvW map. We’re starting with anti-stealth fields and traps that remove supply from enemy players, but in the months ahead we’ll introduce even more ways to spread mayhem in the Mists!


GW2 Undocumented Patch Changes

You have probably read the latest official patch notes, but we have for you some undocumented changes:

  • You can toggle whether you want your gloves visible or not
  • The group portraits have a background and now flash red if a teammate is downed
  • Sunrise/Twilight finally award a legendary medal
  • Eternal Battlegrounds Jumping Puzzle chest is now once per account per day
  • There is a timer on the dailies within your Achievements panel so you can see exactly how long you have left to complete it
  • In WvW, the Rank and Abilities item under Information now has a number in a blue circle indicating your current unspent points, and there is text under the progress bar that tells you when your title will change again
  • They removed falling damage in cities
  • Potion of Ascalonian Mages can no longer be used in combat

Spotted on Reddit

GW2 Molten Facility Guide

GW2 Molten Facility
The Molten Facility is a level-80 single-path dungeon experience where players fight alongside Rox Whetstone and Braham Eirsson. All players who enter are scaled up to level 80. Entrances to the Molten Weapons Facility change over time as new locations are found. Information on the map where the dungeon is located is in the Living World UI on the top right of the screen.

Completing the meta-achievement for Flame and Frost, “Alliance Breaker“, awards you a Fused Gauntlet Ticket. Use this item to exchange it for your choice of Fused Gauntlets, a unique exotic item. Completion of this achievement requires all of the other Flame and Frost achievements except “A Rallying Flame“. A new title, “Avenger of the Dispossessed“, has been added for players who see Rox and Braham’s stories to completion. The final Flame and Frost achievement, “A Rallying Flame“, is not available until the conclusion of the story arc.
A wide variety of new and unique rewards are available by defeating the challenging encounters within. This content is available from April 30 to May 12.
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GW2 Fused Gauntlet and Decorative Molten Jetpack

Decorative Molten Jetpack and Fused Gauntlet are new items which can be acquired by completing new dungeon Molten Facility and achievement from the last chapter of the Flame and Frost series – Retribution.
You can preview the items in the PvP Locker. Completing the meta-achievement for Flame and Frost, “Alliance Breaker“, awards you a Fused Gauntlet Ticket. Use this item to exchange it for your choice of Fused Gauntlets, a unique exotic item. Completion of this achievement requires all of the other Flame and Frost achievements except “A Rallying Flame“.

Rox and Braham Tribute Weapon Skins

Braham’s Mace and Shield and Rox’s Short Bow and Quiver are each available in the Style category for 600 gems. Apply each skin to any weapon of the same type to change its appearance. Skins can either be applied to a PvE item or added to your PvP locker for use in the Mists.