You can purchase Miniature Super Trio for 500 gems in the gem store: Super Spider, Super Bee Dog, Super Monkey
- Super Spider
- Super Monkey
- Super Monkey
- Super Bee Dog
- Super Bee Dog
You can purchase Miniature Super Trio for 500 gems in the gem store: Super Spider, Super Bee Dog, Super Monkey
GW2 Super Adventure Box event starts at the north end of Rata Sum, near the portal to Lion’s Arch. Super Adventure Box event lasts during the April. Enter the Box and grab a super coin from the vending machine, and feed it to Virtual Moto.
You have probably came across a huge box in Rata Sum. The Super Adventure Box is not active yet, but you should prepare for this event and collect several Continue Coins first. Once the event starts, talk to Moto in Creator’s Commons Rata Sum (a small guy next to the box) to gain access.
GW2 Sonic Periscopes can be found throughout the following areas – Diessa Plateau, Wayfarer Foothills, Snowden Drifts, Plains of Ashford, Iron Marches. Once you destroy the Sonic Periscope, search the Sonic Periscope Wreckage to collect Sonic Periscope Audio Log. On the map look for the Vigil Audio Log Collector and give him the logs. In return you will gain 100 karma. The periscopes reset daily. Locations are the same for all servers.
After GW2 The Razing patch you can preview all GW2 Super weapons from the PvP locker (Hart of the Mists).
GW2 Secret Contact Achievement Guide with screenshots of Agent Brandubh and Mysterious Device Locations at Diessa Plateau and Wayfarer Foothills. First clue about this achievement you can find from achievement info: Agent Brandubh is trying to find and translate dead-drop messages from his partner, who is undercover in the dredge-Flame Legion alliance. Get a cryptotranslator from Agent Brandubh. It will help locate the dead drops across Diessa Plateau and Wayfarer Foothills and then decrypt them for you.
Agent Brandubh can be found at Black Citadel. If you accept his challenge, you will receive a mail, with list of possible locations where you can collect all 12 dead drops by exploring Mysterious Devices or Order Cryptotranslator device (this device decrypts dead drop messages left by an undercover Order of Whispers agent). If you did not acquire enough dead drops for achievement, you can loot them from Sonic Periscope Wreckage and return the same item to Audio Log Collector for additional count.
The beginning of GW2 Rox story occurs in the Black Citadel Command Core. If you’ve never been to the Black Citadel, you can travel through any city to Lion’s Arch, and then take the portal guarded by Adamant Guard charr. The closest waypoint to your destination is the Imperator’s Waypoint. Look for the yellow instance entry icon that reads Rox: Critical Mission when you mouse over. When you enter the Command Core and approach Rox and Rytlock, a short scene will play. Talk to Rox afterwards to earn the associated achievement. Rytlock will send you a mail that explains where to go next.
GW2 Braham story begins in Rytlock Brimstone’s office, near the Command Core. The closest waypoint is, again, the Imperator’s Waypoint. The entrance is marked with another yellow instance entry icon; this one reads Braham: Help from the Legions when you hover your mouse over it. When you enter Rytlock’s office and approach Rytlock and Braham, a short scene will play. Talk to Braham afterwards to earn the associated achievement. Rytlock will send you a mail detailing where to head to next.
With the GW2 The Razing Update the Fused weapon skins have been added to the Black Lion Chest. Each Black Lion Chest has a rare chance to give a Fused weapon claim ticket. Take this ticket to Evon Gnashblade in Lion’s Arch or to the Vigil Weapons Specialist at the refugee camps in Hoelbrak and the Black Citadel. Trade the ticket for one of 16 new weapon skins inspired by the fiery alliance between the dredge and Flame Legion. All Fused weapon skins are account-bound. You can preview the weapons at the Vigil Weapon Specialists even if you do not have a ticket. Open a Black Lion Chest with a Black Lion Key, available in the Consumable category of the Gem Store for 125 gems each or 5 for 450 gems.
The latest Guild Wars 2 Patch notes bring out information about the third March Content Update Flame and Frost: The Razing, new features and content, along with a number of general bug fixes.
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