Choose your own music in Guild Wars 2

It’s actually in and working, but the feature wasn’t publicly documented. Here’s how it currently works:

Under [Your Name]\Documents\Guild Wars Gw2Dev folder, you’ll see that GW2 creates a Music folder next to the Screens folder (where screenshots go). All you need to do to get your external music collection playing in the game is to create a playlist of the appropriate name and type in this folder.

Supported playlist formats are .wpl, .m3u, .pls, .asx, and .wax.
Supported audio types are everything FMOD supports by default, which includes .mp3, .ogg, .flac, .wav. aiff, and a bunch of old-school music formats, like .mid or .it files.

There are eight specific playlists the game recognizes, and these are designated simply by the playlist’s file name. They are:

  • Ambient
  • Battle
  • Underwater
  • City
  • Crafting
  • BossBattle
  • NightTime
  • MainMenu

Hopefully these are somewhat self-explanatory in terms of when you might expect to hear them play.

So, for example, if you create a playlist called Ambient.m3u, anything in that playlist will be heard instead of the standard in-game ambient music (the general music you hear when running around in the world).

Each internal playlist can designate a primary and secondary playlist to look for. Most of the playlists will fall back to Ambient if they do not exist. This means that if you’d like to simply replace the majority of the music in the game, you can just create an Ambient playlist, or maybe just Ambient and Battle.

However, if you really want to customize your playlist in detail, you can create the more specialized playlists such as NightTime or Crafting.
The easiest (and at the moment, the only) way to test this is with a MainMenu playlist, since that will replace the music at the login screen.

Source: Jim Boer, Guild Wars 2 Developer

Guild Wars 2 Stress Test on May 14

ArenaNet announced Stress Test on Monday May 14 from 11 AM to 6:00 PM PDT (-7 GMT). This special test event is open only to Pre-Purchase customers who have registered their accounts.

With your help, we can conduct important tests and address some of the issues we identified during our first Beta Weekend Event. During this event, all you need to do is play normally with a new or existing character on your Beta account using the same game client. Please note that since this is a stress test of our servers, you may experience some in-game performance issues. If you’ve pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 and wish to participate in the stress test, we recommend that you register the account and download the game client.

Pre-Purchase customers, log in to the Beta Forums for more information and/or to download the Beta client if needed.


Guild Wars 2 Map with Level Range

Guild Wars 2 Tyria level map
A Guru’s community member carralpha made a handy Guild Wars 2 map with zone’s level range. The map isn’t finished yet but we think it will be extremely helpful for all of the Guild Wars 2 community members during the next Beta Weekends.
Click here for our Interactive maps filled with data hand picked by our editors (so, no spam points from random strangers), and screenshots to better demonstrate where each POI, vista, Waypoint or Boss fight is and how to get to it if you get stuck.
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Guild Wars 2 Leveling Tips

During the GW2 Beta Weekend Event I have noticed that many people talk about leveling problems usually their next personal story is several levels above their current level. I have noticed that trying to level up by killing the creatures is worthless since the amount of xp you gain is insignificant. So, what is the best thing to do?

  • Do the personal story, you will gain xp and armor.
  • Do the heart quests.
  • While you are finishing the heart quests try to explore and you will find new dynamic events.
  • Find event chain that finishes and starts quickly and then do it repeatedly (like the centaur event chain in kessex hills)
  • Exploring also gives you decent XP especially while you are trying to find waypoints and Undiscovered Point of Interest (you can find them on the map).
  • Skill point challenges give the same exp as heart quests of the same level
  • Try to use AoE weapons and pull as many enemies as you can. Pull one mob and while you dps it run to next one and aoe both down. (thanks ninoffmaniak)
  • Try to finish Daily Achievements.
  • Don’t forget you get gems so you can get experience boosts. The boost isn’t much, considering that monster kill xp is fairly small compared to event xp, but its still a boost. (thanks Stealth107)
  • If you don’t know where to go next, look for a scout. He is marked as spyglass on the map. Scouts will reveal hidden dynamic events and hearts.
  • Use the Asura Gate, fast travel to far away locations, to visit the other races areas. You can finish their hearts and events. The Asura gate is marked as purple tornado on the map.
  • Crafting will give you decent amount of xp.
  • Guild Wars 2 Map with level range can be found here

If you think we missed something, please feel free to share it with us in the comment section bellow.

Guild Wars 2 Guides: Crafting System

Guild wars 2 Crafting trainers LocationsThe crafting system is divided into specific crafting professions called disciplines. Each discipline has 400 skill points.

There are eight crafting disciplines:

  • Weaponsmiths craft daggers, hammers, greatswords, maces, shields, sigils, spears and swords.
  • Huntsmen craft harpoon guns, longbows, shortbows, pistols, rifles, torches, warhorns and sigils.
  • Artificers craft scepters, tridents, staffs, foci, sigils and potions.
  • Armorsmiths craft Heavy armor, inventory boxes and runes.
  • Leatherworkers craft Medium armor, Inventory packs and runes.
  • Tailors craft Light armor, inventory bags, and runes.
  • Jewelers craft Ring, Amulets, earings, you can also transmogrify gemstones into higher levels.
  • Cooking can prepare food which characters can eat for temporary combat buffs.

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Guild Wars 2 Tips & Tricks

The first Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event is on its way and hundreds of thousands of gamers are faced with the Guild Wars universe, perhaps, for the first time. We thought it would be helpful to compile a list of beginner’s Tips and Tricks to help you make your first steps in the world of Tyria just a bit more comfortable. If you think we missed something, please feel free to share it with us in the comment section bellow and we will add it to our ever growing list in the main post.

We have separated the tips and tricks into several categories: