Today, we have for you 15 gorgeous screenshots from the upcoming game update Super Adventure Box Back to School. Enjoy!
GW2 Looking For Group Tool available from September 17th
According to Mike Zadorojny, ArenaNet’s Lead Content Designer, the long-awaited Looking For Group tool will be available with the September 17th update. In order to access LFG tool, just press “Y” and you’ll be able to browse all active GW2 LFG categories.
The new LFG has categories for every single kind of content: Living World (both open world and dungeons), all of the game’s Dungeons, the Fractals of the Mists, Personal Story, Player vs. Player, and World vs. World. The only two groups that won’t function across all servers in your region are WvW (because you can’t fight for any server but your own), and for the Living World open world content (because it’s expected that you’ll meet with players already on your server for this).
Spotted on
Guild Wars 2 Anniversary Trailer
Today, Guild Wars 2 celebrates the first anniversary! One of the birthday presents for all GW2 fans is a breathtaking Anniversary Trailer. Enjoy!
GW2 Super Adventure Box Returns September 3rd
READ OUR GW2 Super Adventure Box Back to School Guides and find out about new Super skins, mini pets, patch notes, hidden rooms and baubles.
ArenaNet just announced that the Super Adventure Box will return to Tyria next week, on September 3rd, with new patch Back to School.
Super Adventure Box originated as an April Fools’ Day joke earlier this year, but quickly became a fan favorite with its pixelated 3D graphics, retro music and nostalgic gameplay that stirred memories of video games from yesteryear. Designed in-game by Moto, a crafty asura, to be a virtual reality simulator to educate the younger generation, Super Adventure Box will take players back to school with new and more difficult challenges.
Players can get an early look at the update by joining a livestream with ArenaNet developers on Tuesday, Sept. 3, at noon (PDT) on the Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel.
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Super Adventure Box World 2 Screenshots
ArenaNet updated the screenshots page with some interesting screenshots from Super Adventure Box World 2. Enjoy!
- ascended weapons
- King Toad Wizard Weapon
- Miya World 2
- Super Adventure Box
- Super Adventure Box
- Tribulation Mode
- SAB weapon skins
- Super Adventure Box World 2
- Super Adventure Box World 2
- Super Adventure Box World 2
- Super Adventure Box World 2
- Super Adventure Box
Guild Wars 2 on PS4
During IGN’s Up at Noon interview with Mike “Z” Zadorojny, ArenaNet’s quality assurance manager, a great question popped up –
Q: Is it possible we’ll see GW2 come to the Play Station 4? Unfortunately, the answer was the same as a year ago,
ArenaNet is PC centric company, but we always keep our options open. Two weeks updates / patches is impossible to do on Console.
Interview Summary
- The team worked on Guild Wars 2 about 4-5 years before the launch
- The same number of people is still working on the project as it was on the launch
- Team is working on the LFG tool, and they are getting close to the point where they can finally release it.
- During the PAX visitors can sneak-peak at some cool things of September content.
- Fan event Anniversary Bash on Saturday, August 31st in the Madison Ballroom in downtown Seattle’s Renaissance Hotel
GW2 Clockwork Chaos Walkthrough
The nefarious villain, Scarlet Briar, has made herself known to Tyria! Chaos ensues as she unleashes her clockwork minions across the world.
To start Clockwork Chaos, enter story instance inside The Crown Pavilion. Instance is quite easy, you need to disarm bombs and at the end to kill Veteran Twisted Nightmare.
At the end you get Closing Ceremony Attendee and Holographic Communicator which is needed for further progress.
- Disarm bombs around area.
- Defeat Twisted Nightmare.

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GW2 Zodiac Weapon Skins
GW2 Zodiac Weapon Skins are now available for purchase from the Black Lion Weapon Specialist. This weapon skin set is inspired by the classic Guild Wars Zodiac weapons. For a limited time only, until September 16, these weapon skins cost only 1 Black Lion Claim Ticket. Claim Ticket Scraps can be acquired by opening Black Lion Chests. Black Lion Chest Keys are available in the Gem Store in the Consumable category for 125 gems each or a pack of 5 for 450 gems.
Zodiac Axe Skin
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GW2 Patch Update Notes August 20
GW2 Patch Notes Clockwork Chaos brings out new features and content along with bug fixes.
Clockwork Chaos
The nefarious villain, Scarlet Briar, has made herself known to Tyria! Chaos ensues as she unleashes her clockwork minions across the world!
Closing Ceremony
- Witness the high point of the Queen’s Jubilee! Attend the ceremony and hear the Queen’s Speech in the Crown Pavilion of Divinity’s Reach. It’s sure to end with a bang.
GW2 GamesCom 2013 Community Questions
GamesCom, one of the biggest gaming expo, is just a few short days away and we are packing our bags and heading over to Cologne. Lucky for us, GW2 game designers will be there and we will have a great opportunity to interview
- Daniel Dociu (the Chief Art Director for NCsoft North America and Studio Art Director for ArenaNet),
- Isaiah Cartwright (Game Designer) and
- Matt Wuerffel (the head of the End Game Systems team)
As some of you may know, we have a tradition where we ask the game developers questions that you, the community, have for them. We did this for every convention we attended so far and for various games. Things will not be different with GW2. Feel free to leave your questions for GW2 developers in the comments bellow or on Twitter or Reddit and we will pick the best ones and take them to GamesCom to present them to the devs.