GW2 new game update Sky Pirates of Tyria is scheduled for June 25th. ArenaNet announced new Story Dungeon, Sea of Sorrows Scavenger Hunt, Not So Secret jumping puzzle and much more.
New Story Dungeon: Aetherblade Retreat – June 25-July 9
Find the hidden entrance to the Aetherblade base and take the fight to the pirates! It’ll take skill, courage, and no small measure of agility to battle your way to the Aetherblade Captain and First Mate.
Developer Livestream – June 24 at 12PM PDT
Take an inside look at the Sky Pirates of Tyria release with ArenaNet devs during the preview livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, June 24 at 12PM PDT.
New Guild Wars Novel: Sea of Sorrows – Available June 25
We’re proud to announce Sea of Sorrows, the third original Guild Wars novel by Ree Soesbee! Sea of Sorrows follows the thrilling adventures of young Cobiah Marriner, founder of the reborn city of Lion’s Arch.
Buy the Book >Sea of Sorrows Scavenger Hunt—Begins June 25
In this new permanent content, retrace the steps of Cobiah Marriner. Twelve plaques have been set up to honor the history of the city and its founder. You can find clues to the plaques’ locations in Sea of Sorrows. Complete the scavenger hunt to earn five skill points.
Aetherblade “Not So Secret” Jumping Puzzle – Begins July 1
Introducing a new, permanent jumping puzzle! An Aetherblade airship is hidden inside a holographic mountain – find your way in, fight with the pirates inside, and prove your prowess using a pair of hard-to-find diving goggles.