GW2 Sky Pirates of Tyria details

GW2 new game update Sky Pirates of Tyria is scheduled for June 25th. ArenaNet announced new Story Dungeon, Sea of Sorrows Scavenger Hunt, Not So Secret jumping puzzle and much more.


  • New Story Dungeon: Aetherblade Retreat – June 25-July 9

    Find the hidden entrance to the Aetherblade base and take the fight to the pirates! It’ll take skill, courage, and no small measure of agility to battle your way to the Aetherblade Captain and First Mate.

  • Developer Livestream – June 24 at 12PM PDT

    Take an inside look at the Sky Pirates of Tyria release with ArenaNet devs during the preview livestream on our Twitch channel on Monday, June 24 at 12PM PDT.

  • New Guild Wars Novel: Sea of Sorrows – Available June 25

    We’re proud to announce Sea of Sorrows, the third original Guild Wars novel by Ree Soesbee! Sea of Sorrows follows the thrilling adventures of young Cobiah Marriner, founder of the reborn city of Lion’s Arch.
    Buy the Book >

  • Sea of Sorrows Scavenger Hunt—Begins June 25

    In this new permanent content, retrace the steps of Cobiah Marriner. Twelve plaques have been set up to honor the history of the city and its founder. You can find clues to the plaques’ locations in Sea of Sorrows. Complete the scavenger hunt to earn five skill points.

  • Aetherblade “Not So Secret” Jumping Puzzle – Begins July 1

    Introducing a new, permanent jumping puzzle! An Aetherblade airship is hidden inside a holographic mountain – find your way in, fight with the pirates inside, and prove your prowess using a pair of hard-to-find diving goggles.

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GW2 Burn Down The Dragons Achievement

Burn down the Dragons achievement can be completed by setting on fire Dragon Effigies through low-level lands (1-25) in Tyria and Gendarran Fields (25-35 lvl), the same lands that you visit for completing So Lifelike Achievement.
Each of those maps have three effigies. This achievement is character bound and you can burn down 30 Effigies per character. The respawn time is approximately 30 minutes, and you can also log in to alt character to complete the achievement faster. You don’t need to wait for animation to complete, but in that case you will not get Dragon Vigor buff (boost health by 2% per application, max 5 applications). This buff disappears when you log off, or change a map.
Burn Down The Dragons Achievement has 4 tiers:

  • 1. tier – 1 Dragon Effigy burned down
  • 2. tier – 10 Dragon Effigies burned down
  • 3. tier – 25 Dragon Effigies burned down
  • 4. tier – 50 Dragon Effigies burned down


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GW2 The Big Boom in the Big City Achievement

GW2 The Big Boom in the Big City Achievement can be acquired by visiting Lion’s Arch when the Firework begins. This event takes place every 2 hours, and it starts 5 minutes before in game dawn according to Official Forum. Due to an unfortunate bug on the overflow servers, some people had been lucky enough to complete this achievement even before it began. Completing this achievement grants you achievement points, and Gift of the Dragon Bash reward, that contains three Horns of the Dragon Skins, which can be applied on another helmet.

GW2 So Lifelike Achievement

So Lifelike Achievement is introduced with Dragon Bash update. In order to complete this achievement you should find asura looking discs called Hologram Projectors and then defeat creatures after the disk activation. You can find the discs all over Tyria, exceptions are maps without Hearts (Main Cities, Straits of Devastation, Malchor’s Leap and Cursed Shore).
The discs have decent respawn timer, around 5-10 minutes. After the activation, creatures will pop up but you can easily defeat them. On the other hand, these creatures have a huge drop chance of Dragon Coffer, which grants you all shinnies like skins, pets, pieces of Zhaitaffy – candy, fireworks and so on, which are also needed for the other achievements. Spawn positions are easily spotted on the maps, even when you zoom out the map.

There are 5 tiers within this achievement:

  1. Tier 1 – 1 Holographic Minions Killed
  2. Tier 2 – 50 Holographic Minions Killed
  3. Tier 3 – 100 Holographic Minions Killed
  4. Tier 4 – 150 Holographic Minions Killed
  5. Tier 5 – 300 Holographic Minions Killed

      GW2 So Lifelike Achievement

      Hologram Projector map icon.

GW2 Color the Sky Achievement

In order to finish Color the Sky Achievement you need to use Tyrian pyrotechnics. Color the Sky achievement has 5 tiers. You can obtain fireworks from Dragon Coffers, Dragonbash candy Vendor and the most practical way is to use firework launchers around Fort Marriner wall.

  • tier 1 – 1 fireworks Launched
  • tier 2 – 25 fireworks Launched
  • tier 3 – 50 fireworks Launched
  • tier 4 – 75 Fireworks Launched
  • tier 5 – 100 Fireworks Launched

Color the sky achievement

GW2 Paper Dragon Achievement Guide

Paper Dragon Achievement can be completed by smashing 150 Pinatas. Pinatas can be found in all capital cities (10 pinatas per city), but most of them are in Lion’s Arch. Don’t forget that you can always change overflow servers.

Rata Sum Paper Dragon Pinata locations

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GW2 Dragon Ball Arena Guide

Speak to Finolla near Mystic Forge to start this fun 5 vs 5 game.

The point of the game is to reach 500 points before your enemies do. You’ll gain 15 points per kill. Your first spell is Dragon sphere, while other boosts and spells can be collected all around arena. Health points will not regenerate over time, thus, you need to collect blue orbs in order to regenerate your health. Use jumping pads to move around arena.
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