GW2 Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle Guide

GW2 Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle
Key Facts:
  • Name: Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle
  • Location:South of Broadhollow Waypoint
  • Location map: Gendarran Fields
  • Recommended level : 25+
  • Achievement type: Jumping Puzzles
  • Puzzle Type: Jumping
  • Duration: 25+ minutes
  • Difficulty (Solo): Hard
  • Prize: Achievement / Magnificent Chest

Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle Screeenshot Guide when you click on this link

GW2 Personal Space Achievement Guide

GW2 Personal Space Achievement can be acquired during the last boss fight in Aetherbalde Retreat instance.
GW2 Personal Space Achievement
According to the achievement information, you can obtain the achievement if you avoid area attacks while fighting Horrik. This basically means that you need to dodge all area attacks until the fight ends. Defeating Horrik at start will not help you, since Mai Trin resurrects him as soon as you defeat him. Avoiding Horrik’s Area of effect spells is the easiest part of this achievement, while the hardest part is to avoid cannon fire. Try to position yourself as far as possible from cannons in order to have enough time to dodge cannon fire.
Keep in mind that if your gear or specialization do not give you enough vitality, Mai Trin stealth attack will probably bring you to down state in one attack, and it is going to open a clear road toward the Horrik’s AOE attack.

GW2 Don’t Be Rude to the Brute

GW2 Don’t Be Rude to the Brute achievement, you can acquire at the end of Aetherblade Retreat instance.

GW2 Dont Be Rude to the Brute

This is the easiest achievement you can acquire in Aetherblade Retreat (if you ignore the fact that you should defeat Champion Frizz in order to reach Horrik). In the last room, simply target Horrik, type /salute in the chat box, hit Enter and enjoy your 5 Achievement Points.

GW2 Equipment Failure Achievement Guide

GW2 Equipment Failure Achievement can be obtained after defeating the Champion Frizz boss in Aetherblade Retreat instance.
GW2 Equipment Failure Achievement

Champion Frizz fight consists of three phases. While the first phase is quite easy and demands a couple of things that you should be aware off, the second and the third ones are real trouble.

The First Phase

During the first phase, you should kill a couple of adds while defeating Champion Frizz. This phase lasts until Champion Frizz reaches around 70% of his health pool.
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GW2 Faster Than Light Achievement Guide

GW2 Faster Than Light Achievement is another achievement that you can receive during the Champion Frizz boss fight within Aetherblade Retreat instance.

In order to complete this achievement, you should finish Kleptotronic Advanced Designs without being hit by Laser Beam or Laser Wall during the Champion Frizz boss fight. There are several rules that you should be aware of:
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GW2 Sky Pirate Cache Achievement guide

GW2 Sky Pirate Cache Achievement can be obtain by completing several jumping puzzles through Tyria, and approaching Aetherblade Caches at their end, mid or starting point. Aetherblade Caches are easily noticeable at the minimap and global map as event star icons.
There are seven Cache achievements and their names are the following:

  1. Vexing Cache
  2. Weeping Cache
  3. Troll Cache
  4. Mad Cache
  5. Cantle Cache
  6. Shipshape Cache
  7. Blackout Cache


Vexing Cache

Location: Fireheart Rise, Vexa’s Lab Jumping Puzzle.
Vexing Aetherblade Cache can be found just before the last room inside the Vexa’s Lab Jumping Puzzle.

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GW2 No More Secrets guide

GW2 No More Secrets is the last story achievement from Dragon Bash. In order to even reach this part, you need to complete all previous achievements like: Ceremony and Acrimony achievement, Hard Boiled, Every Piece Matters (all five suspects).
GW2 No More Secrets

Talk with Inspector Ellen Kiel, near Lion’s Court, in Lions Arch, in order to get into The Scene of Crime instanced area. There you will be a witness of the final part of the story, you started with Ceremony and Acrimony. Upon reveling who is the true suspect and defeating couple of enemies talk with Investigator Ellen Kiel to receive No More Secrets Achievement and additional item called Marjory’s Journal. This unlimited usage item grants you ability to replay a scene from Ceremony and Acrimony achievement.

GW2 Every Piece Matters Achievement Guide

GW2 Every Piece Matters comes after Hard Boiled Achievement and it is prerequisite achievement for No More Secrets. This achievement consist of two parts. The first one is the instanced area The Scene of the Crime, and the second one consists of interacting with 5 suspects on five different maps.

The first info about Every Piece Matters achievement takes you to Lions Arch, where you need to talk with Marjory Delaqua. In order to do this, once again speak with Inspector Ellen Kiel, near Lion’s Court. She will grant you access to instanced area called The Scene of the Crime. After short conversation between Marjory Delaqua and Investigator Ellen Kiel, approach and talk with Marjory Delaqua. She will give you a Tassi Box should be used to investigate five nearby suspects. Talking with Investigator Ellen Kiel will grant you Bag of Coins (10 silver) and Sip of Liquid Karma (1 000 karma points ). This is however only the first part of this achievement.

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GW2 Hard Boiled guide

GW2 Hard Boiled is one of the the easiest achievements you can find in Dragon Bash achievement section. Hard Boiled comes after Ceremony and Acrimony achievement, and it’s also prerequisite for Every Piece Matters and No More Secrets.

GW2 Hard Boiled

Upon completing previous Achievement (Ceremony and Acrimony), you will receive a letter that points you toward Southeast Divinity’s Reach, where you are suppose to seek out for Marjory Delaqua. Interact with gate and enjoy the movie sequence. After the sequence ends, you will be granted with Hard Boiled Achievement, and a letter that guides you toward the next achievement.


GW2 Ceremony and Acrimony Guide

GW2 Ceremony and Acrimony is rather simple Dragon Bash Achievement. It is prerequisite Achievement for Achievements like Hard Boiled, Every Piece Matters and No More Secrets.

GW2 Ceremony and Acrimony

In order to start this achievement chain talk with Inspector Ellen Kiel near Lion’s Court in Lions Arch. She will grant you access to effigy ceremony, an instanced area called Memorials on the Pure. Shortly after the brief ceremony, an accident will happen to one of the effigies. Help escort the wounded Councillors to Fort Marriner by protecting dolyak on his way to Fort Marriner. Upon reaching Fort Marriner you will be granted with Ceremony and Acrimony achievement, bag of coins (one gold) and Keg of Liquid Karma (5 000 karma, w/o any karma boosts).