Guild Wars 2 Siege Weapons

Gw2-supply-depotThere are two types of Siege weapons: Offensive and Defensive Weapons. Siege weapons can only be used by the team that created them. When you equip it, it will change the first five skills on your skill bar. The opponents can attack, damage / destroy the structures. If the weapon is destroyed you can rebuild it.

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New GW2 Stress Test on June 27th

Today, ArenaNet announced four-hour Stress test event, scheduled for Wednesday, June 27th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. PDT (GMT-7). It will be the same build as last Beta Event, including the final event.

We were very pleased with how our servers performed during our second Beta Weekend Event, but we want to gather additional data on how they operate under load before the next one.

That’s where you come in.

All players who have pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 are invited to participate in our upcoming stress test. This four-hour test event will run on Wednesday, June 27th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. PDT (GMT-7).

We won’t wipe characters for this event, so if you played in our previous betas, you can pick up right where you left off. All we need you to do is log in and have fun—leave the stress to us!

Mystic Forge and Mystic Vendor in Guild Wars 2

Mystic ForgeDuring the second Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend I came across a special place – Mystic Forge. It’s located in the Lion’s Arch – Mystic Plaza.
Guild Wars 2 Developers described it as a strange forge that actually holds the imprisoned djinn Zommoros, who hails from distant Elona. If you offer the Mystic Forge gifts (like unneeded items and weapons), you will receive a gift in return. Got a pair of pistols that you don’t need? Drop them in the Mystic Forge and see what Zommoros gives you in exchange!
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Guild Wars 2 Mini Pets

guild-wars-2-mini-pet-fire-imp Mini-pets or Miniatures are downsized versions of NPC models. These pets can follow you during your adventures but they do not fight or provide any additional storage. Currently, the Mini-pets are companions that look cute and provide entertainment. Miniatures have your character’s guild tag appended to their name while active.
Mini-pets can be obtained in several ways:

  • Purchase as Minis Pack from the Gem Store for 300 Gems
  • Purchase in auction house
  • Create in the Mystic Forge
  • Pre-purchase reward
  • Hall of Monuments rewards

A Minis Pack contains 3 randomly selected miniatures: 2 common and 1 uncommon pet.
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Guild Wars 2 Developers Answered your questions on Reddit

Mike O’Brien, the President of ArenaNet, with ArenaNet designers and developers are answering your questions about the game and the upcoming beta event in the next three hours.

Here’s who will be participating:

  • Mike O’Brien – President/Founder – MO
  • Chris Whiteside – Lead Producer – Chris
  • Mike Zadorodjny – Content Designer – z
  • Mike Ferguson – WvW Designer – Ferg
  • Peter Giuntoli – Programmer – Peter
  • Jon Peters – Systems Designer – Jon
  • Isaiah Cartwright – Lead Systems Designer – Izzy
why is the beta only available to people who either a) preorder GW2, or b) win a beta key in random obscure contests.

We have a certain amount of server capacity. We promised people who pre-purchase that they’ll have guaranteed slots in each upcoming beta. After taking care of them, we give away remaining slots in online contests.

~ MO

Were any extreme/major changes made to the thief profession? I feel like the thief has been slightly neglected compared to other professions, such as ranger and guardian.

We did do a big thief balancing pass in between last BWE and this BWE so be sure to check out the traits as there is a lot of new stuff in there as well as tweaks to the existing stuff.

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Beta Key Giveaways

In order to get as many fresh faces to see their cool game Arena Net has organized several giveaways of beta keys for the upcoming Beta Weekend Event on various fansites and websites. We wanted to try and maintain a comprehensive list of all the websites doing the giveaway. We will try and update this list as the days go by.

Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend 2 begins on June 8th

Chris Whiteside, the lead producer of Guild Wars 2, announced today that Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event 2 will begin on Friday, June 8th, at noon PDT (GMT-7) and will run until Sunday, June 10th, at 11:59 p.m. PDT (GMT-7).

Your existing beta characters have not been deleted, and you will be able to continue right where you left off! This means that enterprising players with characters level 35 or higher will be able to test their mettle against the explorable version of the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon!

Your participation is even more important when you consider that we take our beta events very seriously in terms of our development strategy. At ArenaNet, “beta event” means exactly that—it’s a development-centric event in which we test our systems, discover new and exciting bugs, and get pivotal feedback from our testers about what is going in the right direction and what isn’t.

We have listened intently to all of your feedback from our first Beta Weekend Event, and we’ve made great strides toward resolving many of the issues you’ve helped us identify. These include party movement into overflow servers, chat functionality, key bindings, server stability, performance, and many more that we will detail in the near future.

