Coddler’s Cove Jumping Puzzle

Coddler's Cove Jumping Puzzle
Key Facts:
  • Name: Coddler’s Cove
  • Location South East part of Timberline Falls, South of Mellagan’s Grotto
  • Location map: Timberline Falls
  • Recommended level : 48+
  • Achievement type: Jumping Puzzles
  • Puzzle Type: Jumping
  • Duration: 20+ minutes
  • Difficulty (Solo): Medium
  • Prize: Achievement / Grand Chest

Coddler’s Cove Jumping Puzzle Screeenshot Guide when you click on this link

Developer Corner: Jon Peters on Ranger update

Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements. I would Literally tell you but I think it would be considered a bit of a spoiler so you will have to be patient.

While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.


Source: GW2 forum

Crafting the Halloween Exotics

There are 3 craftable exotics that corespond to the temporary 4 hour skins you can buy in LA. They are Arachnophobia, The Crossing, and The Mad Moon.
Each of these items corresponds to a new craftable gift.
Arachnophobia = Gift of Spiders (Huntsman)
The Crossing = Gift of Souls (Artificer)
The Mad Moon = Gift of the Moon (Weaponsmith)
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Hidden Garden Jumping Puzzle

Key Facts:
  • Name: Hidden Garden
  • Location Far East part of Mount Maelstrom, Dierdre’s Steps
  • Location map: Mount Maelstrom
  • Recommended level : 65+
  • Achievement type: Jumping Puzzles
  • Puzzle Type: Jumping / Fighting
  • Duration: 25+ minutes
  • Difficulty (Solo): Medium
  • Prize: Achievement / Sylvari Chest

Hidden Garden Jumping Puzzle Screeenshot Guide when you click on this link

Vexa’s Lab Mini Dungeon

Key Facts:
  • Name: Vexa’s Lab
  • Location East part of Fireheart Rise, North from Cozen Desolation
  • Location map: Fireheart Rise
  • Recommended level : 70 +
  • Achievement type: Exploration achievement
  • Type: Jumping / Figthing
  • Duration: 25+ minutes
  • Difficulty (Solo): Medium
  • Prize: Achievement / Magnificent Chest

Vexa’s Lab Mini Dungeon Screeenshot Guide when you click on this link

Halloween Pumpkin Locations

GW2 Halloween event carving pumpkins will give you achievement and title. You can carve them everywhere not just in Lion’s Arch. If you want to finish everything in the Lion’s Arch just relog to another overflow server.
In Queensdale there’s a guy that will grant you the title “Master Carver” if you carve enough pumpkins. There are 4 tiers of pumpkin carving before you get the title (150 Pumpkins). The title is account bound, so you can carve in the same area with different characters.

We would like to thank AriousKyudo, Acruxx and ZeroB for making these maps

Halloween Event FAQ

If you have any question please leave a comment and we will try to find you an answer!
Q:How do I get candy corn?
A: You can get them from Raw Candy Corn or as a mob drop.
Q:Why should I do the costume brawl?
A: You get achievements based on how many times you get to champion mode.
Q:Why should I carve pumpkins?
A:’Master Carver’ title. (we have a guide for you)
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Halloween Mini-Pets

Another great gift for Halloween – Mini Pets! They can be obtain from the Guild Wars 2 Black Lions Exchange. If you combine 3 Halloween Mini-pets with 250 Candy Corns in Mystic Forge you can get another one!

We would like to thank kalamestari for all the screenshots and additional information

Tribulation Caverns Jumping Puzzle

Key Facts:
  • Name: Tribulation Caverns
  • Location South West part of Dredgehaunt Cliffs , west from Tribulation Rift
  • Location map: Dredgehaunt Cliffs
  • Recommended level : 48 +
  • Achievement type: Jumping Puzzles
  • Puzzle Type: Jumping / Dodging Traps / Fighting
  • Duration: 15+ minutes
  • Difficulty (Solo): Easy
  • Prize: Achievement / Grand Chest

Tribulation Caverns Jumping Puzzle Screeenshot Guide when you click on this link

Shadow of the Mad King Halloween Mad Memoires guide

Shadow of the Mad King Mad Memoires ACT I event guide with detailed explanation and screenshots.
We also have for you ACT II event guide and Ascent to Madness ACT 3 guide.



Your journey starts at Lion’s Arch – Grand Plaza where you should talk to NPC Magister Tassi. She will mail you a Candy Powered Matter Meter and a Trick or Treat bag with Candy Corn. Every time you have to use Candy Powered Matter Meter, you also need Candy Corns. You can get them from Raw Candy Corn or as a mob drop.

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