Windy Cave Treasure Halloween Achievement

Windy Cave Treasure Explorer Achievement is located in North-West part of Lornar’s Pass, North of Mistriven Gorge. There are many veteran mobs, so if you haven’t reach level 26, don’t try to finish it alone. You’ll need approximately 15 minutes for all the fights and jumping parts.
Click here for guide with screenshots

GW2 Halloween Guides

There are so many Halloween events, jumping puzzles and achievements that can be done during this Halloween madness. We decided to make a list that will help you finish everything before November 1st.


Jumping Puzzles
Mini Dungeon
Act I October 22nd
Act II October 26th (Noon PST)
Act III October 28th (12:00 PM PT/19:00 GMT)
Act IV October 31st (9:00 AM PDT/16:00 GMT)
Halloween Explorer Achievements
Halloween guides

Developer Corner: New Halloween Recipes

Regina Buenaobra, North American Community Team Lead, announced new opportunity for everyone to get shiny Halloween goodies:

You will be glad to hear that we are adding recipes to the Mystic Forge that will allow you to throw stuff you get from the Black Lion Chests into it to get a special Halloween chest (no key needed for this one). These chests will include Halloween specific loot and give you a second chance to get one of the terrifying, rare Halloween skins. Here is the recipe we will add:

You need 1 Candy Corn, 6 Mystery Tonics, 1 Boost (any), 1 Boost (any) to get a Mad King Chest.

We hope you like this gruesome addition, we will let you know immediately when they will be in the game – enjoy the celebrations!

What’s the best way to find Haunted Door locations

Haunted Doors spawn randomly throughout the Queensdale, Kessex Hills and Gendarran Fields. Walk up to them and “Trick or Treat” monsters will spawn. These monsters drop Trick of Treat bags and count towards the achievement Halloween Hunting’, which you need to complete to get the “Emissary of the Mad King” title. If you didn’t complete this achievement yet, we believe these tips will help you:

  1. Get on a high-ground. They have a massive visibility range, you can almost see their green glow from the other side of the map.
  2. Use the “balanced” preset for graphics which allowed doors to render in the distance despite the rest of the landscape not being loaded
  3. It’s far more effective to be in the group (try asking in map chat for a party). More people = more door opens = more kills and more bags
  4. Bring your mesmer pals for ports and stack swiftness with whatever you have.
  5. Gendarran Fields locations:
  6. Queensdale Location:
    Shaemoor Fields has 4 spawn locations very close to each other, you can stand in one spot and see all of those spawn locations from there.


We would like to thank Alether, lookodisapproval, Ewindal, pjworkin and Failth for great tips!

GW2 Paid Tournaments are Live

Jon Peters ArenaNet’s Game Designer announced on the official forums that Paid Tournaments are live

We have pressed the magic button and paid tournaments should be live within 5 minutes. Thank you all for your patience and enjoy.

Server side changes to tournaments:

  • Down time between rounds is being reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
  • Glory and rank rewards are increasing


  • 1st place was 300, will now be 400 glory/rank
  • 2nd place was 200, will now be 300
  • 3rd and 4th place was 100, will now be 200


  • 1st place was 360, will now be 500 glory/rank
  • 2nd place was 240, will now be 400
  • 3rd and 4th place was 120, will now be 300

Halloween Chef recipes

If you are a chef looking for new Halloween recipes, Lon-ami made an excellent guide for you!


Basic ingredients:

65 pieces of candy corn
7 Bag of Starch
7 Jug of Water
2 Chocolate Bars
1 Omnomberry
2 Balls of Cookie Dough
1 Raspberry
1 Bowl of Pumpkin Pie Filling
1 Ball of Dough
1 Bowl of Baker’s Dry Ingredients
1 Bowl of Baker’s Wet Ingredients
1 Apple
How to:

Discover Bowl of Candy Corn Glaze first (piece of candy corn, bag of starch and jug of water), and make 6 more (7 total). It’s the only mixed ingredient you’ll need.
Combine everything you have now. There’s 7 recipes in total.


There’s 6 recipes in total, and you can buy them all for 3003 karma at the Halloween vendor next to the Cooking Station of Lion’s Arch.